Nrl Referees Enterprise Agreement

The NRL Referees Enterprise Agreement Explained: What You Need to Know

The National Rugby League (NRL) referees are an integral part of the game and deserve fair treatment and compensation for their work. That is why the NRL Referees Association (NRLRA) negotiated an enterprise agreement with the NRL that outlines their working conditions and salaries.

Here is what you need to know about the NRL referees enterprise agreement:


Under the enterprise agreement, NRL referees earn an average of $200,000 per year, which is based on their experience and performance. This is a significant increase from their previous salary of $100,000 per year. The agreement also includes an increase in match payments and allowances.

Working conditions

The NRL referees` working conditions were also negotiated in the enterprise agreement. The agreement includes a maximum of 22 games per season, with each referee having a maximum of two games per week. The referees are also entitled to a minimum of two days off per week and a period of at least five weeks off-season.

Professional development

The enterprise agreement also includes provisions for the professional development of NRL referees. Referees are entitled to receive ongoing training and development in areas such as physical conditioning, injury prevention, and decision-making. The training is designed to improve the referees` skills and performance, ensuring they provide high-quality officiating for each game.

Dispute resolution

The NRL referees enterprise agreement includes provisions for dispute resolution. The NRLRA and NRL have agreed to a dispute resolution process for grievances and disputes. The process involves a review by an independent party, and if necessary, the matter will be referred to the Fair Work Commission.

The NRL referees enterprise agreement is a positive step towards ensuring fair treatment and recognition for the hard work of the referees. It is a significant improvement from their previous working conditions and salaries, and it sets a standard for other sports to follow.

In conclusion, the NRL referees enterprise agreement is a win for the NRL referees, NRLRA, and the NRL. It provides fair compensation, working conditions, professional development, and dispute resolution for the referees. It is a testament to the value and importance of the referees in the game of rugby league.