Group Fitness Instructor Contract Template

Are you a group fitness instructor looking to protect yourself and your business? A contract can help you establish clear expectations and boundaries with your clients. Here is a template to help you draft a group fitness instructor contract:

1. Scope of Services: This section should outline the services you will provide as a group fitness instructor, including the types of classes you offer, the duration and frequency of sessions, and any other relevant details.

2. Fees: It is important to clearly state the fees you require for your services, whether it is a per-session rate or a package deal. Be sure to note any additional fees that may be incurred for cancellations, late payments, or special requests.

3. Payment: Specify the terms of payment, including the due date for payment, the methods of payment you accept, and any penalties for late payments.

4. Cancellation and Refunds: Establish a clear policy for cancellations and refunds. Include information on whether or not refunds will be issued for missed sessions, and if so, under what circumstances.

5. Liability: Protect yourself from liability by outlining your responsibilities as a group fitness instructor and the actions you expect from your clients. Include a waiver of liability, which releases you from responsibility for any injuries sustained during a class.

6. Term and Termination: Define the length of the contract and specify how either party may terminate the agreement. Be sure to include provisions for early termination, as well as any notice that must be given.

7. Confidentiality: If you require clients to share personal information with you, it is important to protect their privacy. Include a confidentiality clause in your contract that stipulates the types of information you will keep confidential and how you will use it.

8. Intellectual Property: If you create your own workout routines or choreography, you may wish to retain ownership of your intellectual property. Include a clause in your contract that explains how your intellectual property will be protected.

By drafting a contract with these key elements, you can protect your interests as a group fitness instructor and establish a professional relationship with your clients. Remember to have clients read and sign the contract before beginning any training sessions to ensure everyone is on the same page.